This report presents the current state of Flemish cleantech, its trends and evolutions. Cleantech Flanders strives for a yearly edition of a cleantech report, which aims at

  • providing accurate data, information and analysis results highlighting the strengths of the Flemish cleantech ecosystem.
  • promoting awareness of the fact that cleantech, the technological emanation of sustainability, can be a driver across industry sectors, for future growth, market share increase, marketing, and expansion to new (international) markets.

The analysis and data in this report result from a proven methodology that has been put into practice with great care.  A first step is the adoption of a taxonomy that defines cleantech for Flanders. Using this taxonomy for data mining in the dataScouts-platform and mapping of cleantech related patents, results in a first inventory of cleantech actors. Further screening leads to a list of primary  Flemish cleantech companies. Additional information on these actors is mined, allowing thematic-by-domain, geographical, financial,… classification. In a final step the full set of data is analyzed for trends and evolutions.

These companies make up the primary core of the Flemish cleantech ecosystem, that drives the many secondary businesses. In its periphery cleantech stretches further into most of the classic industrial sectors since many established companies are dealing non-exclusively but partially with cleantech, or they deploy cleantech-related activities, thus forming a second layer of cleantech companies. This would give a substantially higher number of companies and thus higher employment numbers. The numbers in this report relate to the primary cleantech companies.


© 2021 Cleantech Flanders – All rights reserved Although care has been taken to ensure the accuracy,
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Houthalen, 31 December 2020

Responsible publisher: Frans Snijkers, Director
Text: Cleantech Flanders
Concept and design: Kaplus

Greenville, Centrum-Zuid 1111
3530 Houthalen-Helchteren